Indahkim Going Sixteen. & I wish to go to College after O's. Please pray for me! :) ♥everything moves, nothing stays. Tumblr me? Friday, November 20, 2009
boyfrienddddddddd. huhu xD Thanks Daddy, for bringing us out today[: Hee. I Like! I Like! (: So, we went to S'pore Expo, shopping for the John Little Sale. Eww. Mats working there. No life lah nak kacau-kacau orang. Ugh. After much shopping! Hehe. Went to eat at R.K HOUSE! hahahaha xD we ate.. 3PRATA ; $8TULANG.MERAH ; 1PRATA.TISSUE ;1MURTABAK.AYAM ; & ALOOOOOOOT OF DRINKS! Hee. Ehh, quite cheap tau. About $20-$25? Kenyang satu fam(: rugi Hafiz tkde, dia gy camp. Hehe. After that, desert at FROLICK! Hee. I still prefer YAMIyogurt. (: Reached home at 12.30am Was gathering my stuffs lying arnd in the living room when jaryl called. me: hello? boyf: hello sayang(: *deadly stare from daddy* boyf: oh sayang, i kat chalet tau niey. i kat sini 2hari. *ignores dad, heads to my bedroom* me: HUH?! Chalet?! boyf: asal sayang? me: oh, tkde pape. chalet ktne niey? boyf: East Coast. me: chalet sape? boyf: dev. me: oh! bdae shakila ngn dev kan? boyf: yupyup. me: okay. boyf: asal sayang? me: takde pape la(: boyf: ok. da makan lom sayang? me: sudah. (: boyf: CONFIRM TAK CONFIRM?! me: haha xD confirm la! nak tipu you buatpe? boyf: eh! mane tawu you! hee. me: mepek la you niey ;P boyf: hee. me: you da makan lom? boyf: dah(: me: okay. boyf: you da makan belom? me: sudah b! aiyo. asal susah sangat nak percaya i? boyf: CONFIRM TAK CONFIRM?! me: hahahaha xD nak tipu buatpe! boyf: hee. you kan slalu tipu i. me: mane ade! tak pena pon actually. boyf: hee. part makan jek la. part makan. me: hee. mepek la you. (: boyf: nga uatpe niey sayang? me: nothing much. boyf: *sings smtg really sweet along w his friends in the back, hehe.* boyf: hee. nga uatpe skg sayang? (: me: duduk jer. boyf: call i balek boleh tak sayang? bill orang siol niey. *mom enters bedroom, stares at me* me: erm, okay. in 2mins time. (: boyf: OIT! Asal 2mins?! tkde2, call balek skg jugak! hehe xD me: haha xD okayokay, you wait! :D boyf: ok, bye(: me: bye (: *calls boyf back, hee.* me: hello? boyf: hello sayang! nga uatpe? me: baring2 (: boyf: lagy dua hari i balek, monday kiter jumpa oke? :D me: MONDAY? REALLY?! HEE. YAY! (: boyf: asal sayang? ade ape on monday? me: hee. i gy sentosa ngn bdk2 i, ikot ehk?! (: boyf: bdk2 you yg mane? me: dance. boyf: takpelah, you go ahead jek la. i tknk ikot. tues je la kiter jumpa, kay sayang? (: me: asal tknk ikot plk? ): boyf: i tknk lah sayang, bdk2 you. i tknk masok campo. me: but they bringing boyf's too what): boyf: tkpelah sayang, you go there, enjoy. have fun oke? (: lagypon i tknk buang2 duit la pergy. me: okay. ): boyf: asal sayang? me: nothing. tuesday? so longggggggggggggggggg): boyf: tahan jek la sayang. me: *sigh. boyf: dah lah sayang, bill orang niey. mampos nnt kalau melanbong. me: okay. boyf: bye. me: bye. boyf: goodnight. me: love you. boyf: love you too. me: mwah. boyf: mwah. *i hung up straight away.* Do you know how preoccupied someone can get? Until he or she starts to forget all her basic essentials of her life? Not say forget la, but maybe, placed on hold? That's how i feel. Now, when girlfriends don't have time for me, i'll go, 'oh okaay, nvm then(:' But thats wrong! Instead, i should have keep pestering and bugging them and keep talking to them on phonecalls, texts and IM's. OMG la. Boyfriend. *sigh. Boyfriend oh Boyfriend. Even if you don't say it, I know you miss me. & so does my girlfriends. *sigh. Haven't been able to meet boyf cause of dance. Daripada last week punya temu janji, tolak nyer tolak, sampai this week. How baby? Worst, we're not in contact. Worst among The WORST ; I don't even know how much i missed you until you called me tonight. See how shitty i am now? *sigh. I nd to spend time w my Private Life now. I'll limit myself to 2DanceActivities per week now. Promise! Baby, sumpah sia i rindu you. *sigh. I akan tahan betapa perit hati ni menanggung perasaan rindu, Hinggalah hari Selasa ini. Habeslah you eh nnt, RABAK2 I KERJEKAN YOU! kater rindu mah. Hee. Kay la, can't wait! [: El, Dorna, Bob ; I Love You Guys.
8:38 PM Previously; |