Indahkim Going Sixteen. & I wish to go to College after O's. Please pray for me! :) ♥everything moves, nothing stays. Tumblr me? Tuesday, February 9, 2010
On a lighter note, My whole day wasn't actually that wasted, I love my friends. Girlfriends. & Boyfriends. vvvvvvvvvvv.much! \m/ classes were such a flippin bore. really looking forward to skipping school anytime soon, i'm sleep deprived. i'm emotionally stressed. & i miss alot of people too too much! *ithink?* -Hakim*hee.*, Jaryl, Parvish, Hazri, Gopal(both.), Fyrynn, Jihan, Debbie, Shaqdah, Kyung, manymany laa! \m/ schedule's sooooo tight, it's soooo hard to arrange meetups! ;( anyways, today was awesome. :D time spent w gf's was the sex. *hinthintgirls;D* dance was the best! *juniorslovemeMOST!hahaxD* adek misscalled me during dance O.o called back, *EHEM!* answered. hehee. so talktalk w him & dee. (: boyyyyyyyyyyyyy, ieeee loveeeeeeee euuuuuuuu! *getmyannoyingaccent? ;D* imissyou,iloveyou,iwantyouback. x99431944575135453735137564675427242752427246378542127 times ;D slacked w fadhil yaqin fitri and othman. :D ilovethesepeople, reallyreally. (: since fitri saw me and zico holding hands yesterday, he and everyone misinterpret it as my bf. -.-' tak dapat la eh. haha. why is it so hard to believe i have yet to fall in love with another again? ilovehimstill.~
9:13 PM Previously; |