Indahkim Going Sixteen. & I wish to go to College after O's. Please pray for me! :) ♥everything moves, nothing stays. Tumblr me? Tuesday, June 8, 2010
It's like you want me, and then you don't. how do i do this? when i needed you, you were not there for me. instead, you were texting another girl til late night? & today, when i finally see you, the first thing you do is run up to me and complained you've alrd change your phone and blaah? you run to me when you're in need, or when you just need a listening ear. it's not fvcking fair when i'm the one who's always always there for you. & it's so not fvcking fair when I'M THE GIRL you run up first to when something goes wrong. and then, you just chuck me away to enjoy. What's this? I'm so damn fvcking mad. But, that's just the outer crust. @ the bottom of the day, i know it's all love. No hate. :( why are you doing this to me? what do you want from me? D:
9:35 PM Previously; |