Indahkim Going Sixteen. & I wish to go to College after O's. Please pray for me! :) ♥everything moves, nothing stays. Tumblr me? Tuesday, August 31, 2010
God teaches you; Don't Lie. Depression is not a weakness. It's just a natural human reaction to that of being strong for too long. I'm trying so hard to push myself out. To keep myself together and strong. I DON'T WANT to have to put up a show just to satisfy the wants of people. What do you want from me?! You want to hear me say, I've moved on. You want to see me happy all the time. You want me to stand down, and put my commitments down on a guy again. What is this? Hazri, you're my bestfriend. You're suppose to understand me! Or at least you did. What changed? Annoyance? You know, I'm never talking about this ever to you again. Ever. & guys, you know what. I think I have to give it to you. For spectaculating my own Bestfriend has the hots for me. Come on lah, don't I get credit for even TRYING to fall in love again? I HAVE been dating. But I Haven't been serious in any others. So mommy's worried. Everybody knows I've never, ever been single for this long. But do me a favour, just let me be? If you're worried and that you care, give me your listening ear and that shoulder to cry on if I need it. Isn't that the human race living up to the human spirit? :'( I'm just so sad. I love my Bestfriend, I do so much. That's why, I hate it most when we fight. He is, the only guy bestfriend I cry over when we fight. Don't that mean a lot already? *sigh. Whatever. Don't ruin my fun fun day today. :D Teachers Day. School was so fun! Though very sweaty as I mopped the classroom with a few others -.-' The concert was superb and I'm so proud of my dance girls! You guys were so awesome. Damn, you're so good babeh. hahahahaha xD Screamed, stood, dance, sang like crazy with my girls throughout the concert. It was so fun having no one to stop us. Instead, we were joined by the rest who were surrounding us. haha. :) Rushed to meet shiqin @ J8. When I reached, i texted her to where she was and she selmba-ly said she's already in 88, near MY SCHOOL and told me to hurry up? -.-' Gosh, i was so put off. So instead, I went home first. Since I was rushing, I speed walked through bm. Saw oman. Gave him a shock from his back! "Ayo tak puasa!" "Eh, indah? Hahahaha xD" :) kawan aku yang itu baik tau actually. :) "Buatpe kat sini?" "Tunggu Fadhil." "Oh, kay takpe. Aku cabot dulu, haha, bye!" Got home, changed, fadhil texted asking to borrow money. _|_ Then, i met el and we headed down to FTP:) There, met the rest. First to talk to me; Shiqin. Tahu bersalah eh! Cekik kau nanty ha! Hahaha xD Kite kalau gaduh, cepat juga lah ok. :) Met Cikgu Wiyah, had a nice chat with her. Went to TPY central; all 9 of us. Whoo! 4boys, 5 girls. Afterwhich, el left first. Then pooja. So we slacked at the HDB hub auditorium. :) It was so fun! You know, me and shiqin, itchy butt go explore2. Skaliey we got locked in! :( We freaked out sey. But luckily the boys were loitering outside that door and they opened it for us (although they actually jumped at first, shocked by our knocks, haha!) Gosh, so many happened lah. Too many to say! Snipbits can?
Okaay, too long. & i'm sleepy. goodnight everyone. :)
10:09 PM Previously; |