Indahkim Going Sixteen. & I wish to go to College after O's. Please pray for me! :) ♥everything moves, nothing stays. Tumblr me? Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Indahkim Happy crunchy crust, Soft inner-self. :) Hello! I don't know why I actually feel abit or rather more or less better than what happened two nights before. :) I mean, why dwell on it? On the past. Look at my future! I have more to look forward to. & besides, A has been there for me for quite some time. Tengah tunggu time jek when I can let him in. -Which I doubt I ever can. :( So today, I woke up to see my mom sleeping in her bedroom. I went to the kitchen and saw stuffs everywhere, evidence as to that she was in a middle of a clean-up. Being a soft-hearted girl that I am, I helped dust the whole house, took down curtains, polish glass and wood, with the help of my younger siblings. (Hafiz was the ONLY ASS not helping me -.-' _|_ ) Afterwhich she woke up 2h later and continued cleaning the kitchen. After finishing all that I was doing, all that was left to do was to sweep and mop. My house has 4 bedrooms, 1 store room, 2 living rooms, 1 balcony and 1 kitchen. I was so tired by the time I finished dusting and all! & mind you, I had to scrub a few lizard shit on the walls, Yuck! Being tired as I was, I went to bed. My mom woke me up with a straight nag that I was lazy, I sleep more than I do work, blah blah blah. Okay, yes the kitchen was hard to clean, BUT I DUSTED THE WHOLE HOUSE?! -.-' windows, CEILING FANS, everything lah! Give me a break lah gundu -.-' Then, she REFUSED to make dinner for break fast. I had to rush, heat up food and such. No more time to cook! Ergh. Now, she's cleaning the WHOLE HOUSE HERSELF. & again nagging that I'm not doing work. Wa malas wei. Wa kesiakan lu, lu macam-macam dengan wa. Si Hafiz tu tak buat kerja, lu tak bising? Apa biken wei? Dah Malas nak tolong. MALAS. *super-massive eye roll*
10:05 PM Previously; |