Indahkim Going Sixteen. & I wish to go to College after O's. Please pray for me! :) ♥everything moves, nothing stays. Tumblr me? Friday, December 18, 2009
i've missed you. (': This is the closest i can ever get to you. (': If you guys have been updating yourself w my twitter account, you might have figured out me and ... are in good terms now :D so actually, yest night. i craved to talked to ... wanting to wish him all the best for today's results. I was scared. if he was still mad at me): Fyrynn talked me out of it. (: she gave me the confidence and courage i needed. & she reminded me of a line my mom tells me for every break up i go through. Especially with first love that time. :'( Lau jodoh, Takkan ke mana-mana In english, If it's fated to be, it won't go anywhere. It will come back to you one day. & she wants me to hold on by that. Thanks! :D I will(: still, i hessitated, if i should still go on and text or not. fyrynn promised to be w me when the time comes i msg-es him, so that if antg bad happens, she'll catch me as i fall. (: dah sudah, tkya nak awwww ngan aku. kata kawan mah. adek went online and talked to me. & so i asked. he said the exact same thing as fyrynn, No harm trying. If he scolds kakak, buat bodoh je. hee. korang dua niey macam da plan2 gytu eh! (; i finally manage to pluck that courage out of me, and went for it. he didn't reply. :( or at least for about an hour? during that hour, it felt like waiting sooooooooo long for just a reply. & i wish he won't reply anymore. as it like took him a long time to? Then adek called me, he was about to call ... wanting to ask some stuffs. he secretly, smuggled me into the convo, i muted my phone during the confrence. his voice ........ it instantly mended that hole in my chest(': his character still shines(': just and exactly the way i last heard him. (': i was so happy, i cried tears of joy. though i wasn't meant to be in the convo, i felt a part of it. (': like how i always feel like he's a part of me:( laughed my head off for the jokes he made. haha! after they hung up, adek talked to me for awhile. (: i think it was his first time hearing my voice soooooooooooooo happy it felt like i was floating! literally. hehe. dee, now i know how you feel. really. haha ;D after that call, he finally replied my text. nicely. (: then i kinda kurang aja at him =.=" but play2 only la. then he called me bodoh. basket betul! haha. nvm, can take joke(: then we joked w each other. (; hehe. BOB THE BUILDER! hee. the yellow boots proves it! Haha. You know, I know. (; Some people know, Most people don't. :D Aite, shall stop here. KPO eh nak tahu apa kite bobal? HAHA! PRASAN SIOL AKU!! xD ok, bye! aku masih sayang - st12 hee. fitri, curi lagu kau jap ehh. HUAKK!* *This time, you had your chance in asking me a question. Next time, it'd be my turn. Why? :'( Chapter1, The Love Survival Kit. Survival. 'When two paths open up before you, You should always choose the hardest one.' -Himalaya, a film by Eric Valli Two paths open up in front of me, To stay, be truthful w myself and listen to my heart. Or move on, lie to myself and listen to my head. They say it's easy to tell a lie, harder to tell the truth. I choose to tell the truth. (':
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