♥You don't know how it feels like, to be me.

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Going Sixteen.
& I wish to go to College after O's. Please pray for me! :)
everything moves, nothing stays.
Tumblr me?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
it's empty.

Sometimes, i feel like throwing my bed out. =.="
Hello Readers. (:
hope you guys had a better day than mine! :D
had a real all-out-cry last night? )':
i swear la sial, cried and cried, screamed and screamed but no sound came out of my mouth, heaved and heaved i still couldn't breathe.
Panic sial cannot breathe!
Tried and tried so damn fucking hard, i finally resorted to mouth out some words, then try to speak them OUT.
Forced that stupid voice OUT.
Then i could feel that cool air filling in the tighten burning gaps of my lungs.
But my heart still ached, throughout.
Seriously, i just felt so damn empty..
They say as days pass, the pain will heal.
But why does mine gain and gain?
Called tang.
She wasnt much of help, just let me be and heard me cry.
Which was, somehow, abit comforting.
Thanks. (:
Then she had to hung up cause of her mom.
The tightening of my lungs started again. )':
It was late alrd, didn't want to trouble dorna, el or adek.
*padahal before all this, adek was on msn telling me anything just CAKAP. text or call him. bodoh kan aku? hee.*
So i ended up texting haz, asking fr a shoulder to cry on.
Sumpah i felt Most Pathetic itu time. *sigh.
So he called me, for 2h. Wasted almost all his pp8 on me.
Sweet la kan?
He was like 'hello?'
I only manage to croak out a hello, and went back to my heavy cry again.
Bodoh Sial Aku.
Kenapalah aku macam cb. *sigh.
But thanks haz, hee.
You really soothed me. (:
'Dahlah tu indah, takmo nangis la. dah dah, takmo nangis..'
&shortly after i was calmed down, he made me laugh. :D
So haz egged me to meet him today. (:
But sorry man, tak jadi.
Dad's home la.):
next wk maybe?
Some people, they really really go an extra mile to help me. ):
& not keep pushing me to forget and move on, or suggest to me to go to a fucking councilor?
HELLO?! Aku Tak Gila Lah Cb.
Stupid, you push me to a councilor, why?
Cause you can't and choose not to be there for me kan cb.
Bodoh, Takde Otak.
Gy mampos la.
Aku mati pon sorang2 la eh.
Takde councilor cb niey semua.
Bodoh PukiTrangTangTang.
Bikin gua panas jek!!

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9:53 PM

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